Hamilton’s Place in Canada’s Future: A Political Perspective

The Canadian Club of Hamilton’s new board of directors held their first breakfast event on October 8, 2019 at the Waterfront Centre. We were proud to launch our club’s new logo and our introduce our new and very energetic board members.

“Hamilton’s Place in Canada’s Future: A Political Perspective” provided an interesting, polite and entertaining discussion from four distinguished federal candidates.

The event included a full breakfast with unlimited coffee, reacquainting with old friends while making new ones, and of course, the very Canadian activity of cordially discussing politics.

Paul Barton expertly moderated the group – the result- an early morning abundance of laughter, wit and wisdom. A pretty fantastic start for a Tuesday.

Thank you to all who participated and we look forward to seeing you and others to our next event this winter.


Tim Simmons

President, Canadian Club of Hamilton