Paislee and the Talking Tree: by, Bruce Simpson
Bruce Simpson is a Hamilton kindergarten teacher and singer-songwriter. He has performed for libraries and at special events for over 25 years. He loves traditional children’s folk songs and has written some original songs too. Paislee and the Talking Tree is his first children’s book. It is available through local and independent book stores. Online ordering, curbside pickup as well as Canadian, American and International shipping is all possible.
For move information about Bruce, his songs and how to order Paislee and the Talking tree, go to www.brucesimpson.online.

Crossover: by, Diane Kowalyshyn
Diane L. Kowalyshyn writes heart-hammering, high-voltage thrillers—adventures that run on action, intrigue and romance. CROSSOVER is the thesis novel that earned her a Master of Fine Arts degree in Writing Popular Fiction. Diane embraced the saying, write what you know. Like the female protagonist in CROSSOVER, Diane was adopted and is still in the dark about her biological heritage. She is an avid sailor who has listened to her fair share of marine storm warnings and relied on the intermittent pulse of a lighthouse beacon to bring her safely back to port. When she’s not on the water, she loves to travel to far-away lands where she can navigate rustic landscapes and traipse through ancient and decaying relics, palaces and castles. CROSSOVER is the first book in the Cross your Heart and Die Series. DOUBLE CROSS is the second and CROSSBONES is the third.
The series begins in the present day and travels back in time. Her road to publication was a direct result of the on-line pitch page she coordinates for Toronto Romance Writers.
Her books are available in trade paperback and ebook through Amazon, Google, Nook, iBook and Kobo.

Kumite For Love: by, Judy Malcolm
Judy Malcolm toured Europe with the International Holiday On Ice Revue as a professional figure skater. She’s currently training to re-enter the competitive scene and compete internationally as an adult.
Judy is a model and actor with Vogue Models and Talent and can be seen in multiple episodes of Paranormal Survivor, Haunted Case Files, My Paranormal Nightmare and Murder Wall. Later this year she will have a principal role in a pilot episode for a series made for TV. She has a technical side and works at two hospitals as a lab technologist in pathology.
As a debut author her novel, KUMITE FOR LOVE, was a finalist in the Birmingham, Colorado and Las Vegas romance writing contests, and also won a Literary Titan Award. She is excited about the re-release of KUMITE FOR LOVE. It is available on Kindle Unlimited, ebook and for the first time in print format.

Immigration in Canada
As the principal immigration consultant and founder at Maldonado Immigration Services, Juanita Maldonado is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) with the ICCRC and became certified on July 24, 2014. Juanita graduated from Humber College in December 2013 after completing the Immigration Diploma Program with Honours.
As an ICCRC member in good standing, Juanita is authorized by the Canadian government to represent and advise clients on immigration matters. She is passionate about helping families stay together and works tirelessly to develop a strategy to help you succeed with your immigration application.
Whether you’ve found love across the globe or you’d like to secure employment in Canada, Juanita can provide you with knowledgeable advice backed by years of immigration-related work experience. In addition to her immigration experience, Juanita has worked in various governmental departments including the Canada Revenue Agency, Service Canada, as well as spending 10 years as the Constituency Assistant to a Federal Member of Parliament.

Battling Bullshit and Overcoming Misinformation: A Conversation with Nathaniel Barr
In this, our first podcast, Canadian Club Hamilton’s President, Tim Simmons, interviews Nathaniel Barr, a cognitive and behavioral scientist. Nathaniel is a Professor of Creativity and Creative Thinking at Sheridan College, as well as a Scientific Advisor at BEworks, a world leading behavioral economics firm.
Nathaniel has published on a wide array of topics related to human cognition and is an expert in the psychology of bullshit and misinformation. He was a co-author of an Ig Nobel Prize winning scientific paper entitled, On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit, penned an essay on the prevalence of bullshit online, recently received a federal research grant aimed at optimizing interventions to combat COVID-19 misinformation online, and is recognized as a “Global expert on the debunking of misinformation” on the University of Bristol Post-Truth portal”,
The importance of understanding and stopping misinformation in this time is apparent as Canadians were witness to an unprecedented and tumultuous US Presidential election plagued by fake news, and are immersed in our own share of misinformation as we attempt to glean truth from fact as it relates to the ongoing global pandemic. Canadians should think about the nature of the challenges to our informational ecosystem and learn more about the psychology of why we fall for false information—this conversation can help.

Darek Timmerman Interview: Branding, Past and Future

Hamilton Emissions with Kerry LeClair
Kerry Le Clair (she/her) is a community organizer, researcher, facilitator and knowledge broker. She began to work and volunteer in the climate justice field as a response to her own experience of disproportionate environmental burdens living in one of Hamilton, Ontario’s most adversely affected neighbourhoods. Using tools as divergent as storytelling and strategic planning, she has bridged community conversations on accessibility and disability justice, migrant justice, Indigenous solidarity and anti-oppression capacity building with environmental and service based organizations. Kerry works with Hamilton’s Ward 3 Councillor Nrinder Nann as the community climate action coordinator and is a co-founder of the Montréal-based Pivot Centre for Collective Action.